holy week communications

Hi, everyone and welcome to a most unusual Holy Week!  I miss you all and pray for you each day. I am so thankful to be a part of Zion UMC and that God has called me to serve such wonderful people.

God is good and even if we can't meet in person, CHRIST IS RISEN and we celebrate his love and faithfulness!

I want to remind you of a few things...

  • Those who sponsored flowers for Zion's Easter Garden of Flowers can pick them up either Friday (4/10) between 9am and noon at the front of the church or Saturday (4/11) between noon and 2pm at the back of the church.  We ask that you observe good social distancing practices when picking up the flowers.
  • We will be posting Maundy Thursday and Good Friday messages this week on our website and social media platforms.  Please also take time on Wednesday evening at 6:30pm to pray - we can't be together, but we can pray together in spirit.
  • Easter is Sunday and we will plan to have music and a message online for you as we celebrate Christ's resurrection.  I want you to know that we will celebrate Resurrection Sunday as a church - together - when we return to church. Of course, we don't know when that is, but hoping for sometime in May!
  • Please let me know if the church can help those in need - those in our church who have lost jobs, need help with groceries, or any other need.  We would be glad to help.
  • Thank you to all who have given your offerings to the church! God bless you for your faithfulness. I also want to remind you that you can send your donation into the church for LCCM, which helps those who are in need. Just write "LCCM" in the memo.

Here are some prayer requests: Linda Schlappich (in nursing home), Ray Heberling (is home now - praise God!) but still recovering from surgery, Cindy Kercher's mother (nearing end of life at Stone Ridge Town Center), Mari Conners (her mother passed away yesterday), Grace Marquette (recovering from surgery), Virginia Wells (her husband, Howard, passed away).

Please be praying for our nation and world, those suffering from illness, and those taking care of the sick and dying. If there are other prayer requests, please email me to let me know. 

Here is a daily Bible reading for you for Holy Week. I encourage you to read and discuss these passages with those in your home.

Monday - Read Matthew 21:12-17 and Isaiah 56:1-12

What does the Matthew passage teach us about Jesus and what is important to him?

How can we make Zion UMC a house of prayer for all nations?

Tuesday - Read Luke 20:19-26

God desires our utmost devotion to him. In what ways have you not given him your full devotion, your whole heart? 

Read Micah 6:8 - What does God require of us? What does it mean to "walk humbly with your God"?

Wednesday - Read Mark 12:28-34

How is loving God so closely related to loving our neighbor? In other words, how can you love God if you don't love your neighbor? How can you love your neighbor if you don't love God?

Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9. What does this passage tell us about teaching our children about God's commandments? How can we be doing this today?

Maundy Thursday - Read John 13:1-38

Pastor Keith will share a message about Christ's love.

Good Friday - Read Mark 14:12-15:47

Pastor Rob will share a message about the crucifixion.

Holy Saturday - Read John 16:16-33

With the circumstances of our world today...How can we find hope in these words of Jesus?

God bless you all,

Pastor Keith Buckbee
Zion UMC