contemporary 11:00 Worship Service

11:00 am Worship Service  •  February 16th, 2025

OPENING SONG                       “Open Up the Heavens”                           Worship Team
WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS                                           Pastor Keith Buckbee
WORSHIP MUSIC    “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”   ”Great I Am” Worship Team            
SPECIAL MUSIC                                      “Love, Love, Love”                              King’s Kids
APOSTLES’ CREED                                                                                      Pastor Rob Dagen                                                                              
TIME OF PRAYER and the LORD’S PRAYER                                          Pastor Rob Dagen                                                                                     
            The Lord’s Prayer (using debts) 
SCRIPTURE                                                   John 14: 7-14
MESSAGE                                                  “Greater Works”                 Pastor Keith Buckbee
CLOSING SONG                                      “Glory To God”                              Worship Team
BENEDICTION                                                                                        Pastor Keith Buckbee

The 2025 Flower Chart is on the Bulletin Board.  Please fill in the date you would like to sponsor altar flowers.  

The cost remains at 30 dollars.  Thank you!
The Altar Flowers are presented to the Glory of God in celebration on the 58th
Wedding Anniversary of Harold and Cookie Haag.
SAVE THE DATE:  Women of Zion Church-Zion Women’s Retreat-Saturday October 
4, 2025 at Creekside, located on South Race Street in Myerstown. More information to 
Save the Date: Zion United Women in Faith, 2nd Annual Book Sale. Saturday, March 1.  

We will begin collecting books and rummage sale items this month.  

For more info, contact:  Sue Kerschner @ 717-383-9399 or Beth Mellon@610-812-1372.  

Proceeds to
benefit local ministries. 
  Sunday – Zion Youth, 6-8pm
  Monday – Monday Night Bible Study, 6:15pm Old Testament study in 1 Chronicles.
  Tuesday – Prayer Meeting, 2pm, Handbell Rehearsal, 4-5pm
  Wednesday- 2pm, Prayer Meeting, 6:30pm, Senior Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm
  Thursday – 2-4pm Grief Share, in parlor
  Saturday – Women’s Bible Study, 8-10:00am, Mat Making, 10am-12
  The Zion Women in Faith want to thank all the congregation and friends that have 
  helped make our Mat Ministry a success.  To date we have given approximately 160
 mats and 70 pillows. These mats and pillows were taken to Philly Deam Center, 
 Reading City Lights Shelter, and the Bethesada Mission in Harrisburg. 
 In each mat we include a fleece blanket, heat retaining silver blanket, hat, scarf, and
 socks and gloves.  We want to thank all those who donate the bags, those who work
 from home or attend Saturday morning sessions from 10-12 every 2nd and 4th
 Saturdays of the month. Those that help flatten bags, cut bags into strips, join the bags
 and roll the bags into balls to be used in crocheting the mats, and all those who donate
 items we put into mats; we appreciate everyone’s help because this project could not be 
 accomplished without the support of our Church Family.

Souper Bowl Sunday extended:
 Bring your canned goods, soups, crackers and non-perishables for the local food  
 bank.  We will collect at the back entrance of the church on Sunday February 2,
 Sunday February 9 and Sunday, February 16.
 Please pick up your offering envelopes in the lobby. Thanks, Cookie Haag
 Thank you for supporting our tissue collection. The ELCO Foundation will be delivering 
 them to all schools in the district. We were able to provide 413 boxes of tissues. 
                                                                                                                               - Outreach Team
 Thank you to my Zion family for the prayers, cards, and expressions of support during  
 my recent knee replacement.  You're the best!  - Peg Fitzkee