contemporary 11:00 Worship Service

11:00 am Worship Service  • July 21st  2024

OPENING SONG                        Open Up the Heavens”                            Worship Team


ANNOUNCEMENTS & OPENING PRAYER                                  Pastor Keith Buckbee 


WORSHIP MUSIC                                      Lion”                                           Worship Team



APOSTLES’ CREED                                                                                    Pastor Rob Dagen


TIME OF PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYER                                         Pastor Rob Dagen                   

            The Lord’s Prayer (using debts) 


SCRIPTURE                                           John 7:25-39                                               On Screen


SERMON                           "What Do You Believe About Jesus”       Pastor Keith Buckbee                   


*CLOSING SONG                                  “Great I Am”                                      Worship Team 


BENEDICTION                                                                                       Pastor Keith Buckbee   

The Altar Flowers are presented to the Glory of God in loving memory of my

Husband Rich, by Pat Stubblebine


Treasures in Heaven Bible Camp

Monday, July 29 through Friday, August 2, mornings 9:30-11:30 am for children

ages 3 (potty trained ) through 6th grade. Bible stories, music, games, crafts and

snacks. Children will learn the difference between earthly rewards and heavenly 

treasures. Sign up on our website or contact Mari Conners for more information –


Secret Sister Update:
We are excited to begin another year of secret sistering and would love to have you

join us for another year of fun, fellowship and prayer with our sisters in Christ. 

Didn’t participate last year?  No problem!  This is a new year with new sisters, 

new ideas, new suggestions, and even a monthly idea and scripture card to help 

keep you involved. If interested(and who wouldn’t be), information sheets can be

picked up in the basket on the Secret Sister table in the lobby. Please complete and 

return the information sheet by Sunday August 11. New secret sisters will then be 

assigned at the end of August and the fun, fellowship, and prayers will begin in 

September. Any questions, please feel free to talk to any committee member: Judy 

Vindich, Brenda Waltermeyer, Karen Sandoe, Peg Fitzkee, Beth Mellon, or Marae 
