zion communications

Blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world," (John 16:33).

Prayer Requests:

Kris Kline (surgery April 3rd)

John Woodard's brother, Scott (health concerns)

Mari Conners (broken bone in her foot)

John Roberts (lymphoma)

Ray Heberling (recovering from surgery)

Joan Noll (blood pressure problems)

Mary Leh (health problems)

Theresa Gettle (Lou Gehrig's Disease)

Jalisa Bernheisel (leukemia)

Mike Dechert (healing from cancer)

Denise - Friend of Conners' family (bone cancer)

Brian Beck (physical and emotional problems)

Wyatt Gosser (had gallbladder surgery)

Chuck Bowman (broken hip, surgery)

Bonnie Carpenter (surgery)

Ruben Houser (stomach ulcers and internal bleeding)

Combined Worship Service - Sunday March 30 at 10:00am; We will have a coffee and donuts hour starting at 9:00am on March 30th. Come out for a time of fellowship before the worship service - all are welcome!


We appreciate your generosity through the giving of your tithes, gifts and offerings! When you make out a check, please make it out to "Zion Church"  

You can also give on our website at https://myerstownzionumc.org/giving

Thank you!


TREASURES IN HEAVEN BIBLE CAMP information meeting on Sunday, April 6th at 10:15 am for those who are interested in helping with a two-hour camp, Monday through Friday in mid-late summer. The meeting will be held upstairs. If you are unable to attend this meeting but are willing to help, please let me know (email mariconners@yahoo.com, cell phone 717-681-5439). Please continue to pray for the children and young people of our church and in our community as we seek to spread the love of Jesus. Tentative camp dates are July 28, 29, 30 31 and August 1. Thank you - Mari Conners

Safe Sanctuary Training - Sunday April 6 at 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall

Safe Sanctuary training is required for all volunteers in children, youth and vulnerable adult ministries.  There are significant changes to the policy this year, so all are volunteers are required to be trained. If you cannot attend on April 6, please contact Pastor Rob to schedule another time (robedagen@gmail.com).

Grief Share

Anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one is welcome to attend the Grief Share support group on Thursdays at 2:00pm.

Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast - Saturday April 12

Come join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast on Saturday April 12. Breakfast is served from 9:00-10:00am and the egg hunt starts at 10:00am All are welcome to join us for breakfast and the egg hunt is for children - Infants to 5th grade. This event is rain or shine. Register online (Registration is recommended but not required):    https://myerstownzionumc.org/egg-hunt-pancake-breakfast

Opportunities to assist include:

Candy Donation - we will be collecting individually wrapped candies or non food items (must fit in an Easter egg) now until March 30th

Egg Filling - we will fill eggs on Saturday, April 5th at 10:00am

Set Up - we will decorate and prep food on Friday, April 11th

Event Day - We need various help between 7:30 - 11:30am on April 12th  including servers, clean up, egg hiding and more

It's always a fun day filled with celebration and fellowship! 

See our website for all the links, or visit the back bulletin board to sign up. Any questions see or email Jackie Gostomski at zionoutreachteam@gmail.com

LCCM Volunteers Needed

Are you looking for a way to serve our community?  Lebanon County Christian Ministries is looking for volunteers to help in their market on Thursday evenings from 4pm-7pm.  Sign up sheets are on the bulletin boards.  Contact Deb Carles if you have any questions at 717-954-2112

Creations of Love: Creations of Love ministry is about providing a way for parents to be able to bond with their premature deceased child(ren). We make homemade clothing designed to be able to fit babies that were either late term miscarriages or early term stillbirths. If parents going through these difficult times are able to dress their child(ren) it gives them an opportunity to bond to them. We have free yarn/supplies available. 

If anyone is interested in participating in the new Creations Of Love outreach please contact Alex Rautzhan at 717-968-0556

Making Shopping Bag Mats for the Homeless - START TIME ... 10:00am to noon in Fellowship Hall. We need "shopping bag cutters" and those who can crochet. We will take shopping bags of any and all colors, but no bread bags, only shopping bags. All are welcome to join us - 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. 

United Women of Faith

United Women of Faith meetings are the first Wednesday of every month at 2:00pm in Fellowship Hall.  All women are welcome to join us!  Next meeting is April 2nd

Women's Breakfast - Saturday March 29 - Country Fare at 8:30am

Sign up at the bulletin board. All women are welcome to come.

Meeting Our Family

We have two services here at Zion on Sunday morning, but we are really just one body of believers. When a member from the 11 am service mentioned that she is finally getting to know some 9 am people by attending Monday night Bible study, an idea was born to get better acquainted. A simple questionnaire is being distributed that will help me to write a short bio on you (and/or your family). I will compose it  based on your answers. Each Sunday, beginning with the first Sunday in Advent, an introduction of each respondent will be included as a looseleaf half page in the bulletin.Two dozen are already completed, but I will need your help in order to ensure that no one is missed. If you haven’t yet received a questionnaire, please let me know. You will have an opportunity to preview your “story” and approve it prior to it being included in the bulletin. Thank you for being part of our great big family – Mari Conners

Save the Date: Secret Sister Reveal Brunch, Saturday, April 26th at 11:00 in the church fellowship hall.

Save the Date: Zion Women's Retreat, Saturday, October 4 at Creekside Fellowship Center, South Race Street, Myerstown.  More details to follow. 

Reminder of Church Office Hours:  Our church office is open Monday through Friday from 9am to 1pm. If you have questions or need to submit information for the bulletin, please call Judy at 717-866-6839, or email at Zionumc22@gmail.com

Have a blessed week!


Pastor Keith Buckbee
Zion Church, Myerstown