9:00 am Worship Service • March 23rd 2025
PRELUDE “In the Garden” Edith Thierwechter
CALL TO WORSHIP Pastor Keith Buckbee
Pastor: Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
People: Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
Pastor: For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
People: Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
HYMN “Be Thou My Vision” #562
APOSTLES CREED Pastor Keith Buckbee
OFFERTORY “God Will Take Care of You” Edith Thierwechter
(The Lord’s Prayer (using debts)
SCRIPTURE John 16:16-33 Denise Gouldey
SERMON "Fullness of Joy" Pastor Rob Dagen
HYMN “The Old Rugged” #327
BENEDICTION Pastor Rob Dagen
POSTLUDE "In Thee Is Gladness" J. S. Bach
The Altar Flowers are presented to the Glory of God in celebration of Louise Gettle’s daughter,
Theresa Field’s birthday, who will be 64.
Women’s Breakfast: Saturday, March 29th, Country Fare at 8:30am.
Sunday March 30 at 11:30am. If you are interested in joining Zion Church, please sign
up at one of the bulletin boards or contact the church office. Our New Member Class
will start after the combined worship service on March 30 and will include a light
SAVE THE DATE: Women of Zion Church-Zion Women’s Retreat-Saturday October
4, 2025 at Creekside, located on South Race Street in Myerstown. More information to
Secret Sister Reveal Luncheon, April 26 at 11o’clock.
Combined Worship Service - Sunday March 30 at 10:00am
We appreciate your generosity through the giving of your tithes, gifts and offerings!
When you make out a check, please make it out to "Zion Church" Thank you!
Safe Sanctuary Training - Sunday April 6 at 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall
Safe Sanctuary training is required for all volunteers in children, youth and
vulnerable adult ministries. There are significant changes to the policy this
year, so all are volunteers are required to be trained. If you cannot attend on
April 6, please contact Pastor Rob to schedule another time (robedagen@gmail.com).
Sunday – Youth Group, 6-8pm.
Monday – Monday Night Bible Study, 6:15pm Old Testament study in 1 Chronicles.
Tuesday – Prayer Meeting, 2pm, Handbell Rehearsal, 4-5pm
Wednesday- Prayer Meeting 6:30pm, Sr. Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm
Thursday – 2-4pm Grief Share
Saturday – Women ‘s Bible Study,8:30am, Mat Making, 10-12am
The April meeting of the Women of Faith is Wednesday April 2, 2025 at 2pm. in
Fellowship Hall. Please arrive at 1:30 for a short meeting before our guest speaker,
to disperse funds to the various missions we support. We will welcome Marilyn Nolte,
from the Prison Ministry. All Women are Welcome.
Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast - Saturday April 12
Come join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast on Saturday April 12.
Breakfast is served from 9:00-10:00am and the egg hunt starts at 10:00am All are welcome to
join us for breakfast and the egg hunt is for children - Infants to 5th grade. This event is rain or
shine. (Registration is recommended but not required).
Opportunities to assist include:
Candy Donation - we will be collecting individually wrapped candies or non-food items
(must fit in an Easter egg) now until March 30th
Egg Filling - we will fill eggs on Saturday, April 5th at 10:00am
Set Up - we will decorate and prep food on Friday, April 11th
Event Day - We need various help between 7:30 - 11:30am on April 12th including servers, clean up, egg hiding and more
It's always a fun day filled with celebration and fellowship!
See our website for all the links, or visit the back bulletin board to sign up. Any questions see or email Jackie Gostomski at zionoutreachteam@gmail.com
TREASURES IN HEAVEN BIBLE CAMP information meeting on Sunday, April 6th at 10:15
am for those who are interested in helping with a two-hour camp, Monday through Friday in
mid-late summer. The meeting will be held upstairs. If you are unable to attend this meeting
but are willing to help, please let me know
(email mariconners@yahoo.com, cell phone 717-681-5439). Please continue to pray for the children and young people of our church and in our community as we seek to spread the love of Jesus. Tentative camp dates are July 28, 29, 30 31 and August 1. Thank you - Mari Conners