Looking Forward to 2022
“We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing,” (2 Thess 1:3). As I reflect upon 2021, I am blessed to see God working powerfully among the people of Zion. It is a great pleasure to be able to serve this church and community and I look forward to continuing this ministry for as long as the Lord allows. I am thankful for the hard-working staff and all the leadership of this church that serve in various ministries and committees.
As fruitful as 2021 was, I am hoping that 2022 is a year that we continue to follow the Lord's leading as we seek to glorify him in all of our ministries. There are four aspects of our church life upon which I would like us to focus:
Exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in authentic worship
Grow as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ
Intentionally proclaim the gospel to our community
Participate in genuine Christian fellowship
Exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in authentic worship – “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God,” (1 Cor 10:31). This is the most important initiative of the church. We must worship the Lord our God individually and corporately. It means that in everything that we do, we do it to exalt the Lord and not ourselves. We have God-honoring worship services every Sunday and we are blessed to have gifted musicians to lead us as we worship the Lord. We plan to continue our worship services in person, while offering the option for Live Streaming for those who can't attend in person.
Grow as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ – Jesus told his disciples, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,” (Matthew 28:19). We are called into discipleship and to make disciples. In addition to our Sunday morning services, we have Sunday School for all ages, Monday evening Bible study (Through the Old Testament), Wednesday's Word, Youth Group, Men's group, plans for a future Women's Bible study, Vacation Bible School, and prayer groups. All of these ministries of the church are here for your spiritual growth as you seek to grow in your faith. We, as pastors, are always looking to implement new and effective ways to make disciples.
Intentionally proclaim the gospel to our community – Outreach is an important initiative of this church. Jesus said to his disciples, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all of Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth,” (Acts 1:8). We are to be witnesses of the resurrected Jesus Christ to the end of the earth. I challenge the people of Zion to do this every day in your daily lives. We are also called as the church to shine the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this community and around the world. The United Methodist Women are active in serving the community. We support Carrie Callahan and Amos Ngeze as missionaries. Zion supports local missions Lebanon County Christian Ministry, On Fire, Prison Ministry, Philly Dream Center, as well as many others. We also serve the community through the making of mats for the homeless, food drives for the local food bank, ELCO school supply and Holiday giveaway, Easter egg hunt and pancake breakfast, Myerstown Block Party, Trunk or Treat, and a new mission to the children of Myerstown – First Friday Fun Night, which we hope to start in April. Let's continue to reach out to our community to further God's kingdom.
Participate in genuine Christian fellowship – this one has been difficult over the past two years, but I would like to see a renewed effort to connect in deep Christian fellowship at Zion. I look forward to having opportunities to gather together for meals and picnics at the church. I would like to find ways to get new attendees to get to know the people of the church. Of course, finding a way to serve is always a good way to connect with other believers.
God has given us many opportunities to serve and glorify him through Zion. I am thankful for the many people of this church that actively serve the Lord in many different capacities. Let's make 2022 a year in which we see revival in our church, our community and beyond. May God bless you.
~ Pastor Keith
Zion Cubz: March 5th for Zion Cubz from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. We will be mailing hugs! For kids ages infant to 12. Older siblings are welcome. There will be snacks and drinks provided. Please contact Alex Rautzhan at 717-968-0556 to RSVP. RSVP by March 1st. Thank you!!
Library News! Have you seen some of our latest additions? We have some new DVDs, like the ever-popular Chosen Series Season 1 & 2, The Jesus Music DVD and some CDs’ as well, like Essential Hits Songs. We've got some new books too like, So Long Normal: Living and Loving the Free Fall of Faith; Hello My Name is: Discovering Your True Identity by the popular Christian artist Matthew West and Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God (2021 edition). Please remember to sign out the books in the black binder and please return items in a timely manner for others to enjoy too. Thanks! Missy Krause
Reminder that on every 2nd Saturday of each month, we will be gathering together to work on the sleeping mats for the Philly Dream Center. We will be in the fellowship hall from 8:30-11, so feel free to drop in any time. Stay as little or as long as you'd like. Mark your calendars! Kids 10 and up can help too. We need bag cutters, loop joiners, ball rolling and those willing to crochet. We would be happy to show you how to crochet, it's easy. I promise! We did move the plastic tubs by the back entrance. Any questions, please see Sue Kerschner or Missy Krause.
March 2nd – Ash Wednesday - disposition of ashes
United Methodist Women’s News:
Here it is – another new year. Can you believe it? I hope for all you women, that you planned to become part of our U.M.W. unit. Our officers have been working on plans for the programs and other activities. Watch the bulletin for more details on upcoming meetings and
We did not meet in January as the weather can be very iffy then. But we are ready to
go for the start of this year. We hope that you put these dates on your calendar and plan to attend.
On Wednesday, February 2nd, we will meet at 2 pm for our Prayer and Self Denial program led by Missy Krause. The topic of the program is about Methodist Deaconess’ Missions.
Our March meeting will have Hannah Krause and Cookie Haag sharing about their recent trips to the Philly Dream Center. The meeting will be at 2pm on Wednesday, March 2nd.
Mark your calendar for a special event on Saturday, April 2nd at 10am. Our Unit is sponsoring a special baby shower to benefit the Align Center. We will post a list of suggested items that are needed. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
ALL women are invited to all our meetings and activities. Plan to come and bring a friend. We try to make our meetings of interest to WOMEN and a time of fellowship.
Louise Gettle, President
Zion United Methodist Women
Book of the Month
For Such a Time as This
Nothing could have prepared the author for the murder of her mother – and eight others – by a white supremacist at Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. This book is Risher’s raw and riveting story of life before and after the tragedy, a powerful testimony of faith and transformation in the face of unspeakable evil.
Plunged into the depts of mourning, anger, and shock, the Rev. Sharon Risher could have wallowed in the pain of losing her mother and two cousins at the hands of the white supremacist during the massacre at the church. Instead, she chose the path of forgiveness and hope – eventually forgiving the convicted killer for his crime.