December 24, 2020 — 5:00 PM Service
PRELUDE — "An Old Christmas Carol - Weihnachtsbaum" by Liszt-Nevins — David Schell
WELCOME — Pastor Keith Buckbee
*CALL TO WORSHIP — Pastor Keith Buckbee
Pastor: Tonight we conclude our Advent journey as we light the Christ Candle, welcoming the one promised in scripture.
People: He is called Emmanuel: God with us!
Pastor: We celebrate the hope brought to earth by our Wonderful Counselor.
People: He is called Emmanuel: God with us!
Pastor: We rejoice in the strength and power of a Mighty God.
People: He is called Emmanuel: God with us!
Pastor: We sing of peace of earth and good will to all.
People: He is called Emmanuel: God with us!
Pastor: And we lift our hearts in praise to our Everlasting Father.
People: He is called Emmanuel: God with us! Joy to the world, the Lord has come!
Tonight, we light all the candles as we celebrate the birth of Christ, the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. As the light from these candles fills this room, we light the Christ candle, welcoming the newborn King.
The one who is Emmanuel, Jesus Christ, God with us.
*HYMN — "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" — #251
TIME OF PRAYER — Pastor Rob Dagen
The Church in Prayer
The Lord's Prayer (using debts)
SCRIPTURE —Luke 1:26-38 — Phyllis Meek
SPECIAL MUSIC — "Joy To The World" — Handbell Quartet
SCRIPTURE — Luke 2:1-7 — Phyllis Meek
SPECIAL MUSIC — "Angels We Have Heard On High" — Handbell Quartet
SCRIPTURE — Luke 2:8-20 — Phyllis Meek
MESSAGE — "Jesus, the Hope of the World" — Pastor Keith Buckbee
HYMN — "Silent Night! Holy Night!" — #253
* BENEDICTION — Pastor Keith Buckbee
POSTLUDE — "Angels We Have Heard on High" arr. by Harold DeCou — David Schell
Handbell Quartet: Robin Dower, Chuck Meek, Melissa Erdmam Kim Potocny. Piano Accompaniment: David Schell.
Poinsettias: If you sponsored a poinsettia, Please take your plant as you leave today. Thank you.
Guest Information
Information hosts are available to assist you with the following information:
- Childcare is available for ages 7 and under during 9:00 & 11:00 services in the nursery room located on the second floor.
- Children's activity bags for ages 3 and up are available at Zion's Zebra located in the lobby.
- Hearing assistance devices and large print bulletins are available for your convenience.
- Restrooms are located in the lobby and in the hallway near the rear entrance of the church.
- Diaper changing stations are located in the hallway restroom near the rear entrance of church and in the women's restroom next to the front lobby.
First time guests please use the connection card found in the pew rack to let us know that you worshipped with us today and turn it in to the Information Desk after worship for your gift. We are happy you visited Zion Church and we pray you will return!