United Methodist Women’s News
Here it is – another new year. Can you believe it? I hope for all you women, that you planned to become part of our U.M.W. unit. Our officers have been working on plans for the programs and other activities. Watch the bulletin for more details on upcoming meetings and activities.
We did not meet in January as the weather can be very iffy then. But we are ready to
go for the start of this year. We hope that you put these dates on your calendar and plan to attend.
On Wednesday, February 2nd, we will meet at 2 pm for our Prayer and Self Denial program led by Missy Krause. The topic of the program is about Methodist Deaconess’ Missions.
Our March meeting will have Hannah Krause and Cookie Haag sharing about their recent trips to the Philly Dream Center. The meeting will be at 2pm on Wednesday, March 2nd.
Mark your calendar for a special event on Saturday, April 2nd at 10am. Our Unit is sponsoring a special baby shower to benefit the Align Center. We will post a list of suggested items that are needed. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
ALL women are invited to all our meetings and activities. Plan to come and bring a friend. We try to make our meetings of interest to WOMEN and a time of fellowship.
Louise Gettle, President
Zion United Methodist Women
Our purpose is —
United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Our focus is —
on women, children and youth.
Our local is —
small but mighty. We support local, national and worldwide missions through our offerings, fund raising projects and a district pledge.
Some of our local missions include:
- On Fire Youth Ministries
- LCCM — Lebanon County Christian Ministries
- Agape Family Shelter
- Lebanon Rescue Mission
You can read more about all the work of the UMW in the Response Magazine found in the right side of the church library. Also, check out all the UMW books in the same section.
We also have a reading program. For more information talk to Joy Nesbitt, our librarian.
For more information on United Methodist Women, check out the following links: