We will again be collecting gently used and new clothing for adults, youth, and children of the Myerstown Community during our
Annual School Supplies & Clothing Drive, A.K.A, Zion UMC ELCO Raiders Treasure Chest!
You may drop clothing off in the back of the church in the box labeled "FOR THE DRIVE" during regular business hours 8AM - 12PM Monday-Friday and Sunday mornings as well as evening times listed below (also VOLUNTEERS NEEDED during times listed below!) :
AUGUST 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, from 6-8PM — at the church for dropping off clothing
AUGUST 13 & 15 during regular church hours Monday-Friday 8AM-12PM — to sort clothing by size and gender
AUGUST 17 from 8AM-12PM — assist families picking up school supplies and clothing
Gently used clothing for children and adults
New packs of socks and underwear for children
Monetary donations for the church to purchase school supplies (make checks payable to Keara Dagen and write "School Supplies" in the memo line)
Any Questions call 717-866-6839 or email: kdagen@live.com
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