contemporary 11:00 Worship Service

11:00 am Worship Service  • April 14,  2024

OPENING SONG                                
Days of Elijah”                                  Worship Team
ANNOUNCEMENTS & OPENING PRAYER                                  Pastor Keith Buckbee                                                              
WORSHIP MUSIC                               I Saw the Light”                                  Worship Team
                                                                   “My Lighthouse”
 APOSTLES’ CREED                                                                                    Pastor Rob Dagen
 SPECIAL MUSIC                                  “Alive, Alive”                                         King’s Kids
TIME OF PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYER                                   Pastor Keith Buckbee                   
            The Lord’s Prayer (using debts) 
SCRIPTURE                                            John 4:46-54                                               On Screen
SERMON                               "Trusting Jesus in the Tough Times"   Pastor Keith Buckbee 
 *CLOSING SONG                                 Nothing Else”                                    Worship Team  
 BENEDICTION                                                                                      Pastor Keith Buckbee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Altar Flowers are presented to the Glory of God in honor of Tessa Morris by Pat
Local Short Term Missions Project opportunity – Do you like to paint? True Life 
Ministries of Lebanon (formerly known as YFC Lebanon) has a new opportunity 
to serve in the name of our Lord. True Life has a house in Lebanon at 10th and 
Lehman St., which has two apartments (they are on the second floor) that need to 
be painted. Rooms are prepped and ready for a fresh coat of paint. True Life plans
to use the rental income generated from these apartments to help subsidize their
ministry. We have set aside two upcoming weekends to maximize flexibility in
everyone’s schedules.
Dates for the project are:  Friday, Saturday April 19 & 20. Time for each day would
be 9 am - 1pm. Sign- up sheets for all 4 days are on the front and rear lobby bulletin boards.  

For more info – contact Jim Mellon at 717-954-2006.
New Member Class - Sunday May 5th from 12:30pm - 2:30pm
If you are interested in joining Zion UMC as a member, you may sign up at one of the 
bulletin boards at the front or back of the church.  Any questions about the class or
membership, please contact Pastor Keith.